
CSR Initiatives

Basic Policy

The DIT Group views corporate governance as a framework for further improving corporate value. By establishing the following policies, the Group strives to further strengthen its management base and engage in good-faith business activities that harmonize profits and social responsibilities.

  1. 1.Establish and strengthen a corporate management framework for achieving management goals.
  2. 2.Maintain discipline among employees and promote improved morale.
  3. 3.Improve management transparency.
  4. 4.Efficiently promote business activities.
  5. 5.Be worthy of the trust placed in us by shareholders and diverse stakeholders.

Declaration of Compliance Management

The DIT Group views the establishment of compliance management as an important part of fulfilling our social responsibilities as a corporation.
To ensure that officers and all employees maintain a high sense of morality and act with decency, we have established a Code of Conduct and Guidelines for Action to be used in awareness-building activities.
We will strive to follow all laws and regulations to the letter while creating a corporate climate that society can rely on.

Digital Information Technologies Corporation
Satoshi Ichikawa,
Representative Director and President